Introduction to 3D Game …ogramming with DirectX 12
Chapter 12 The Geometry Shader
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// Waves.cpp by Frank Luna (C) 2011 All Rights Reserved.
#include "Waves.h"
#include <ppl.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
using namespace DirectX;
Waves::Waves(int m, int n, float dx, float dt, float speed, float damping)
mNumRows = m;
mNumCols = n;
mVertexCount = m*n;
mTriangleCount = (m - 1)*(n - 1) * 2;
mTimeStep = dt;
mSpatialStep = dx;
float d = damping*dt + 2.0f;
float e = (speed*speed)*(dt*dt) / (dx*dx);
mK1 = (damping*dt - 2.0f) / d;
mK2 = (4.0f - 8.0f*e) / d;
mK3 = (2.0f*e) / d;
// Generate grid vertices in system memory.
float halfWidth = (n - 1)*dx*0.5f;
float halfDepth = (m - 1)*dx*0.5f;
for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
float z = halfDepth - i*dx;
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
float x = -halfWidth + j*dx;
mPrevSolution[i*n + j] = XMFLOAT3(x, 0.0f, z);
mCurrSolution[i*n + j] = XMFLOAT3(x, 0.0f, z);
mNormals[i*n + j] = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
mTangentX[i*n + j] = XMFLOAT3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int Waves::RowCount()const
return mNumRows;
int Waves::ColumnCount()const
return mNumCols;
int Waves::VertexCount()const
return mVertexCount;
int Waves::TriangleCount()const
return mTriangleCount;
float Waves::Width()const
return mNumCols*mSpatialStep;
float Waves::Depth()const
return mNumRows*mSpatialStep;
void Waves::Update(float dt)
static float t = 0;
// Accumulate time.
t += dt;
// Only update the simulation at the specified time step.
if( t >= mTimeStep )
// Only update interior points; we use zero boundary conditions.
concurrency::parallel_for(1, mNumRows - 1, [this](int i)
//for(int i = 1; i < mNumRows-1; ++i)
for(int j = 1; j < mNumCols-1; ++j)
// After this update we will be discarding the old previous
// buffer, so overwrite that buffer with the new update.
// Note how we can do this inplace (read/write to same element)
// because we won't need prev_ij again and the assignment happens last.
// Note j indexes x and i indexes z: h(x_j, z_i, t_k)
// Moreover, our +z axis goes "down"; this is just to
// keep consistent with our row indices going down.
mPrevSolution[i*mNumCols+j].y =
mK1*mPrevSolution[i*mNumCols+j].y +
mK2*mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j].y +
mK3*(mCurrSolution[(i+1)*mNumCols+j].y +
mCurrSolution[(i-1)*mNumCols+j].y +
mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j+1].y +
// We just overwrote the previous buffer with the new data, so
// this data needs to become the current solution and the old
// current solution becomes the new previous solution.
std::swap(mPrevSolution, mCurrSolution);
t = 0.0f; // reset time
// Compute normals using finite difference scheme.
concurrency::parallel_for(1, mNumRows - 1, [this](int i)
//for(int i = 1; i < mNumRows - 1; ++i)
for(int j = 1; j < mNumCols-1; ++j)
float l = mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j-1].y;
float r = mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j+1].y;
float t = mCurrSolution[(i-1)*mNumCols+j].y;
float b = mCurrSolution[(i+1)*mNumCols+j].y;
mNormals[i*mNumCols+j].x = -r+l;
mNormals[i*mNumCols+j].y = 2.0f*mSpatialStep;
mNormals[i*mNumCols+j].z = b-t;
XMVECTOR n = XMVector3Normalize(XMLoadFloat3(&mNormals[i*mNumCols+j]));
XMStoreFloat3(&mNormals[i*mNumCols+j], n);
mTangentX[i*mNumCols+j] = XMFLOAT3(2.0f*mSpatialStep, r-l, 0.0f);
XMVECTOR T = XMVector3Normalize(XMLoadFloat3(&mTangentX[i*mNumCols+j]));
XMStoreFloat3(&mTangentX[i*mNumCols+j], T);
void Waves::Disturb(int i, int j, float magnitude)
// Don't disturb boundaries.
assert(i > 1 && i < mNumRows-2);
assert(j > 1 && j < mNumCols-2);
float halfMag = 0.5f*magnitude;
// Disturb the ijth vertex height and its neighbors.
mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j].y += magnitude;
mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j+1].y += halfMag;
mCurrSolution[i*mNumCols+j-1].y += halfMag;
mCurrSolution[(i+1)*mNumCols+j].y += halfMag;
mCurrSolution[(i-1)*mNumCols+j].y += halfMag;